Hey all! I have no idea who is reading this but Google Analytics tells me that you folks are, so... here is an update.
I took the month of February *off* to partake in a month long writing sabbatical of sorts. I had originally planned to take this said sabbatical in New York City, Brooklyn to be specific, in the house of a sweet friend and beautifully talented musician Sheah Abelman, a member of the Yard Dogs Road Show.
However New York in February was... cold. Not only was it physically cold, but the writing project is my autobiography, which is icy enough in parts without putting myself through the actual real-live frost. So I changed plans and flew to Austin Texas to couch surf and write. Over my month long stay I fell in love with Austin. I wrote over 80,000 words and couldn't get enough of this warm little art filled music filled city-town. A 1940's house on a main street opened up a few doors down from my oldest friend Lila. The rent is super reasonable, the house is commercially zoned and is ridiculously cute. So, without much of a second thought, I moved here on an It Feels Right, Northern California whim.
The status on the book is that it is 106,790 words. I have a few sample chapters edited up and ready for review and I have a query letter that is pretty much good to go. Illustrator Winston Lehman is working on the three family trees for the book.
The house is going to be turned into a collective DIY art/photo space open for people to come coexist while they create. A dream of mine for a while has been to start an event called Church on Sundays. The idea being mixed lovechild blend of Sunday brunches with artists versions of TED talks and performances by various musicians and creatives.
[In cas you don't know what TED is, check this out: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html]
Another project I have going on is Addicted the Magazine. Folks have heard me talk about it over the past 6 months, however with the new acquisition of this collective art house awesome space I am making huge leaps to manifest it. If you are interested in participating, please shoot me an email.
You can help fund the project here: http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/FrankieShotMe
So for the record, I love you.
More to come.
p.s. you love me.